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Bill Gates loves this ChatGPT feature which he uses for meetings

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates revealed how and what he uses AI the most for in an interview with The Verge. Sharing how he is often learning about new topics, he said that ChatGPT “is an excellent way to get explanations for specific questions.” Since he writes things a lot, Bill Gates said that the AI tool has been of huge help to him in the same. 
He loves the summaries that ChatGPT gives, he said, adding, “I’d say the feature I use the most is the meeting summary, which is integrated into [Microsoft] Teams, which I use a lot. The ability to interact and not just get the summary, but ask questions about the meeting, is pretty fantastic.”
Talking about AI, Bill Gates said that he remained positive about how the technology can be used in the fields of health and education as it is great to see how AI has been a big help for the teachers do their jobs and help students. He said, “So, for the next decade, we’ll be experiencing increased productivity in a lot of areas, which is overwhelmingly very good news.”
Bill Gates also cautioned about misinformation and said that it is one thing “where I do think the younger generation is going to have to look at the tradeoffs between free speech and misinforming people.”
Earlier as well, Bill Gates had praised AI and wrote in a note, “The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone. It will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate with each other. Entire industries will reorient around it. Businesses will distinguish themselves by how well they use it.”
